May Essence of the Month - Beauty Bush

May Essence of the Month - Beauty Bush

May 02, 2023

Beauty Bush flower essence treats a sense of gloom that can come over us. The feeling tone of this gloom often has roots in early incarnation, possibly even in utero. The gloom is more like a fear which is felt deeply and projected onto the future. It is an unconscious fear that surfaces as we grow with life.

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April Essence of the Month - The Detox Spray

April Essence of the Month - The Detox Spray

April 03, 2023

The vibrational energy of the flowers in the Detox Spray is designed to support the release of stagnant, un-grounded, dark, dense and toxic energy from a space. At the same time this spray encourages light and uplifting energy.

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Bigelow Monkeyflower - Essence of the Month - March 2023

Bigelow Monkeyflower - Essence of the Month - March 2023

March 01, 2023

I've been working with this flower essence for 15 years and each time I apply it I am delighted by the outcomes. In general essences from the "monkeyflower" family address aspects related to fear(s). This bold and beautiful flower helps us accept parts of ourselves that we reject. To say it another way it helps us bring courage to embracing all parts of ourselves more fully.

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Flower Essence of the Month February 2023 - Lime

Flower Essence of the Month February 2023 - Lime

February 01, 2023

 For those who find themselves constantly viewing the world through a cynical lens lime flower essence is a valuable aid. As it can help us break  this pattern and find more peace and spaciousness in everyday moments.

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California Golden Violet flower essence - Courage to Speak

California Golden Violet flower essence - Courage to Speak

January 16, 2023

California Golden Violet flower essence supports us when we feel shy or timid with regards to speaking. For many reasons some people do not feel comfortable speaking freely. This may result in self censor or maybe they feel a queasiness when speaking. Such instances can be traced to trauma or not being well received in the past.

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Flower Essence of the month January 2023

Flower Essence of the month January 2023

January 02, 2023

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Holly and Gold - Flower and Gem of the Month December 2022

Holly and Gold - Flower and Gem of the Month December 2022

December 03, 2022

Holly and Gold are each symbols for the December holiday season. In this piece we will explore the significance of each remedy and how it relates to this season.

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Chaparral Currant flower essence

Chaparral Currant flower essence

November 21, 2022

Builds resilience of and strengthens the heart chakra, keeping the heart strong and soft, a remedy of embodied love. Activates the gravitational forces of the heart and deepens compassion for self and others.

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Asiatic Day Flower - flower essence

Asiatic Day Flower - flower essence

November 08, 2022

Those who live or work in a chaotic environment and for those who've had a chaotic childhood would enjoy this essence. It helps such souls find their center and branch out from there. Chaotic environments and such conditioning train us to live in way were we feel on edge and unable to relax.

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Pink Meibomia flower essence

Pink Meibomia - Movement

October 11, 2022

Pink Meibomia flower essence has an energy that assists us with catalyzing  motivation and drive. It bolsters a stressed energy field thus we feel more contained and less frayed. This then serves to protect us from draining influence and has the effect of countering confusion.

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Elder in the Sun and Moon

Elder in the Sun and Moon

September 27, 2022

The Elder flower essence has nutritive quality for the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. It has cleansing effect on the subtle bodies, increases the light quotient of the astral body; good for those who are sick, worn down, depleted and weary. Supports opening to deeper levels of wisdom.

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Tension and Attention

Tension and Attention

August 30, 2022

Fire draws our attention, it can be mesmerizing to watch a campfire, stare into the fire place and, even a candle dancing can hold our attention. Communing with fire is anchored into what it means to be human. For thousands of years we have gathered around fire to cook, tell stories, keep warm, and to relate.

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