
The Rebalance/Restore formula supports balanced energy. It is excellent to use when feeling drained and overworked. Of the 12 formulas in the Self Care Kit the Re-balance/Restore formula is the most popular. It is an excellent all-purpose remedy and it is particularly good for those who:

  1. Overwork
  2.  Lack self-care
  3.  Push the body too hard
  4.  Pecovering from a long term illness or treatment i.e chemo

This formula includes the following 8 flower essences:

California Fuchsia: Enhances energy flow in the root chakra, restoring vital energy flow.

Desert Lily: Supports hydration restoration, and replenishment of emotional vitality.

Live Oak: A stabilizing remedy balances the body after overwork/over-exertion.

Matillija Poppy: Balances the elemental energies of air, fire, earth and water.

Self Heal: Actives the capacity for self ordering, deeply restorative.

Sulphur Flower: Clears old energy from the system; motivating and uplifting.

Varigated Money Plant: Restores balance between the active and passive.

Yarrow: This essence repairs holes in the aura caused by stress.

How to use this Formula:

This remedy is safe to use on an acute basis or for long term recovery. For acute situations take 2 drops directly from the bottle or in a small glass of water. Then sit quietly for a few minutes and notice the changes. This is an excellent way to re-establish a healthy vital flow of energy after exertion, a stressful day, or when feeling off-kilter.

For long term use 1-2 months I suggest making yourself a dosage bottle. To do this take a clean 15ml dropper bottle, add 2/3 pure water and 1/3 brandy (preservative) and 2 drops of the Rebalance/Restore formula.

If you or someone you know is recovering from a long term injury, illness or disease treatment consider adding this blend to your protocol. I have used this formula with clients recovering from chemotherapy and long term bacterial infections. In each case, the clients received a dosage bottle for 2 months. Their responses have been favorable with each client reporting more clarity, energy, and feeling of general well being.