Leadership Flower Essence Formula

Essence Alchemy


This blend contains a special selection of flower essences to bring out our natural leadership qualities and to enhance all aspects of leadership.

The Leadership blend contains:

Columbine: This essence supports us to allow our unique talents and abilities to flourish. Treats shyness, feelings of inferiority and lack of self-worth.

Red Larkspur: This essence helps us to channel vital life force energy through the body and limbs. This helps to activate positive charisma and magnetism for embodied inspiration.

White Larkspur: This essence encourages humility and helps us to see and embrace our authority. It helps us trust our capacities to meet our challenges. Supports alignment of thinking, feeling, and action; brings out balanced leadership.

Matillija Poppy: This essence helps to ground and channel the elemental qualities of earth, air, fire, and water. It has a powerful energy that supports us to be vessels for higher octaves of energy.

Scarlet Bugler: This essence enhances determination and helps clear energy blocks created by fear, helps us move past our limitations. It strengthens the root chakra and lower metabolic forces.

Purple Sage: This essence helps us drink deeply from the well of experience; helps us to extract wisdom from our own life experience; good for dryness of the mind. Helps you align with your guiding star.